Young Facebook Users Say Bye Felicia
If you haven’t heard but may have noticed is Facebook users are dropping off by the 1,000’s this year. If you are 25 and under, you may be one of them!
Let’s put it in perspective, emarketer has found that over 2.8 million left within ONE year! It’s not getting any better this year either. In fact, according to market research, by 2020, we may see a decline as large as 3.9%. So where are they are all going and why the drastic change?

Blame Grandma, some teens say or maybe it’s when Mom and Dad decided to become their friend to track every move they make. “Who is Johnny and why are you cursing? Don’t you have homework to do?!” That could’ve been the beginning of the end for a lot of Facebook users.

Grandmas used to bake us cookies and spoil us but nowadays Grandmas have become awesomely progressive! Grandma can post, grandma can share, and grandma can even like all the photos you put up of your cats in funny hats! (Side note: Please don’t do this! Cats hate this and will seek their revenge!)
So where has everyone gone??? While Facebook is heading down, the rise of Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have gone up!
Twitter lets you post more characters so those users with a mouthful don’t have to shorten their words to simple emojis anymore. You can even talk to the rich and famous! Instagram now has stories, videos and keeps it simple. Snapchat has filter after filter and let’s you swap your face out with your best friend…or your dog! Some may say you are both already beginning to look alike. I take it as a compliment!
Does this mean you should abandon ship? I’d say perhaps not. Facebook is still an EXCELLENT source for:
Restaurant Reviews
Business Listings
Increase your SEO
Helps you remember that one cousin’s birthday you always forget
Great for organizing events (birthday parties for your kids, get togethers for happy hours, etc)
Connect with friends you may never see in person due to distance
Needless to say, despite the current downfall, Facebook is predicted to pick things back up! Algorithms are steadily changing, irrelevant ads are slowly diminishing (now I won’t have to keep wondering why Facebook keeps insisting I need Viagra), and relevant content is now more likely to appear according to who you interact with.

As for us at Marketing Illumination, we will still be Facebooking away until Facebook fades away like the days of Myspace, or grows into a giant unstoppable empire like Disney! Hope you keep up with us there too and don’t fret just yet my pet! Give Facebook a chance!