What Is Social Media Advertising and Why Is It Important?
Social media is not only a form of connecting to each other through social online networks, it’s also a way for businesses to get in front

Internet Marketing Tips By SEO Experts in Houston
What is internet marketing and why is it important for your business? Internet marketing, also known as digital or online marketing, is the

Top 10 Ways to Optimize Your Social Media
Everyone we know is on social media. Your friends, your local businesses, your mom and even grandma logs in to check on you and tell you...
Young Facebook Users Say Bye Felicia
If you haven’t heard but may have noticed is Facebook users are dropping off by the 1,000’s this year. If you are 25 and under, you may...

I Spy With My Little Eye Something Red-The Impact of Colors in Marketing
We all know that colors can provoke feelings! In fact, we even use colors to describe emotions: I feel blue today. She was green with...